MoTeC's T2 Server is a flexible telemetry system that allows the setup of a centralised hub for receiving, processing and transmitting a large number of independent telemetry streams.
Combined with either an ACL, ADL3, EDL3, C1 Series Display Loggers or L1 Series Loggers up to 300 individual channels can be sent via the T2 Server and viewed live in i2 Pro. By utilising the inbuilt filtering and security encryption, output streams can be customised to allow live viewing of designated data by VIPs, spectators or race officials.
T2 Server enables each channel to be sent at its own transmit rate. By reducing the rate of channels that don’t require high resolution, bandwidth is made available for additional channels or for the high transmit rates of fast changing channels.
T2 is available by purchasing the Telemetry upgrade on an ACL, ADL3, EDL3, C1 Series Display Loggers or L1 Series Loggers. See Requirements for further information.